Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Chango's Fire Author Ernesto Quinonez

I originally wanted to write about the book and talk about a great story that was written. I changed gears, it's a book that needs to be read. I'll admit it is not a feel good book by any means, however, you fall for every character! I also enjoyed this book because it is filled with diverse backgrounds and dabbles lightly in different sexual orientations. It is saturated with the Puerto Rican lingo and parental stereotypes, but that is not what kept me reading.....

This book very much peeked my curiosity for a religion/faith I know very little about. I respect all religions/faiths equally. No one religion or faith is right, it is only right when you fit the religion into your life. When suddenly everything come together and you feel at peace with the choice in the faith you have chosen to be a part of. In the book the father character states " I'm not like your mother, I respect that religion and know, because of Hector Lavoe, that that sh*t works!" It is astounding that people as a whole don't see that every religion/faith "works", if you believe, then doesn't it all work itself out, isn't that what faith is?

Through his characters, the all knowing "padrino", Papelito, and his student, the main character, Julio, I am left with wanting to understand what I don't know. Ernesto romanticized Santeria, giving me bits and pieces of facts, and now I'm craving for more knowledge.

I am a very open minded person, learning about a new religion and it's traditions are important. If you don't understand something then you fear it, or worse mock it, only making yourself look foolish and ignorant.

All in all, I was skeptical at first, I was turned off by the book initially; thinking it was one sided point of view through racial eyes, but it proved me wrong. Ernesto Quinonez did an excellent job. I put Chango's Fire down when I finished it, only wanting to read it again. Best of all an Author has planted a seed, a seed that from here, only I can grow and for this I thank him!

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