Sunday, May 29, 2011

shed from within

Trying to escape my mind, sweating with fear,
twisting and turning as the sheets tangle.
Wanting to rip my skin with my fingers,
i have no where to hide.
my heart seeps with loneliness.
not feeling whole i reach for your warm body,
the cold pillow greats my sorrow, i weep into the night.
breathless i suffocate under your palm.
i tell myself someday it will all be gone.
when your poison entered my veins i was eternally addicted.
unable to relieve the grief, hating myself for every tear,
unable to run i am crippled by love.
I watch the nights shadow dance around me from under the moon.
my heart falls silent and i fall to my knees.
I can see the pieces of your soul you have long forgotten.
you speak to me with a cryptic tone, words riddled and confused.
the love wrapped tongue is swallowed by your hate.
relentless i return for more pain, i love all that is you.
how long will you step on my blooming roses?
how long will you steal the scent from the fresh fallen rain?
i shed my skin, curl to my side, hold my cold pillow tight,
the air is filled with cries of sadness as i pass your name through my teeth.
i rememer the star i wished for you upon, i remember our first kiss.
slowly coddled by my saddens, i drift off, shedding my pain from within.

Friday, May 6, 2011


on the edge of this earth, the sea watches me.
A sheet of white binds to my clean flesh.
i stand in the wind, i wait.
buried deep within, i have set fire
to dreams that will never be.
alone, i wait for the moonlight.
naked in thought, the crisp white sheet
holds all my emotions captive.
I have nothing left.
my body aches from the cold,
my mind races to find the pieces of what I once was.
"Rid me of this pain!"
I cry out to God,
" where is my salvation?"
Soulless i look the skies.
I am calm in the dead of night.
on the cool earth i sit and wait.
to deafen the sounds of ludicrous mouths,
i've left no trail.
no skeletons remain,
i've left nothing for the blind eye.
I rise, awaken by the night.
i slowly come undone.
my flesh finds comfort in the midnight sun.
i watch as the sheet is carried on the breeze,
slowly lost to the ocean.
i can breathe....
with the moonlight on my back,
nothing keeps me captive.
salvation, i shall find.
but for this night, i have surrendered.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Worn Heart

The man with Christ within him,
a dark eyed phantom who has taken a piece of me.
He binds my tongue with unspeakable passion.
He showers me with roses as he places his crown of thorns.
My heart seeps with the agony of his defeat.
His sweat still on my flesh as I wake.
Iron on my my lips still warm from his sharp tongue.
"...sing to me" he whispers under his breath,
never letting his words escape his impenetrable heart.
His bitter sweet drug creeps into my veins.
You're forever an appetite for a tasteless pallet never quenched.
My hand rejects the ink filled pen that pours my soul in tears.
Another love filled verse wrapped around my tongue,
waiting to leave my warm sweet mouth.
I wonder if your tongue is swollen with the passion of our "lovers kiss?"
You wrap yourself in your cloak of knight,
as I drift off; the fire of the Sun dances on the horizon.
Slowly she creeps and fills the sky.
The rain quiets the sun, the dark sky quiets the light.
Meet me, my worn heart waits by the moonlight.

through the blurr

I watch this man though a see of blue;
a see of blue he has given me.
My protector;
Life was his gift and I have nothing to give in return.
My greatest fears he shields me from.
I search for his face in the crowd.
It is through his see of blue that I can conquer the most darkest of evils.
His wants are few,
His dreams are never spoken,
His words, aren't many but are always precise and powerful.
He works quiet and methodically,
He is a pillar of strength,
His worries unspoken.
Never boasts and praises never sought.
He is the calm of all my storms.
If in this life I can be half of what he is,
I would only be half way there.
He is Domenico.
And I'm forever his little girl.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Untamed Heart

It runs deep and fast in her red sea of DNA.
It tells the tale of a woman that can not be saved.
She will fill you with unfailing support.
Fail her and the strife of her smart tongue can cut your very soul and you'd savor every word!
She possesses a scent will make you thirsty for her flesh.
One taste and the memory of her is ineradicable.
Her form...forbidden, unless she relishes for yours.
A dark soul always craving to take part in the unknown.
A powerful beating heart not afraid of tomorrow.
Heed your thoughts of changing this beautiful beast,
she runs deep and cannot be tamed.
The essence of her sweet passion can bring a raging fire within your bones,
only to be smothered by her embrace.
heed the warning....
for what awaits is the abyss of misery to desire the unquenchable,
no vindication can be sought.
Let the fantasy fall faint at your feet,
you will not rise from the memory of her touch.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


The man without a face has devoured my soul.
I watch him fall into my dream,
watch as his chest rises and falls as he takes his silent breaths.
I want to kiss those sleeping eyes and erase the pain within them.
I want to fall into his soul and ease the heartache within.
All the sleepless nights of longing for his face close to mine;
dreaming of a place where time is lost.
Where we become one breath, one beat, one movement,
one flesh; indistinguishable and melting into one another.
A passion so intense my soul has seen heaven and returned.
The taste of sweet innocence and confusion dissipates with our lovers kiss.
Your scent clings to the fibers of my soul.
I search for your skin on this night,
only to be greeted by my own.
The man without a face slowly takes his place in my shadow.
As the pale moon finds her place in the sky, he begins to take shape.
The air is filled with the cold night.
My foolish hands stumble across your smart face, palms outline the shape;
my fingers fill in all the details my heart wishes I could forget.
I touch your lips and wish them to be mine forever.
Slowly your features fade, my teeth cage the tongue that wishes to scream out your name.
The scull of the moon seems weightless in the sky.
I sit with the cold wind, we discuss the night.
I watch in vain as this love floats of a breeze.