Monday, November 8, 2010

unable to comprehend

the lovers' yearning has ceased.
as I light my cigarette, questions float on the clouds,
the world is made up of shadows that dance in the crisp air;
laughter is carried on the breeze.
The moon has spoken on this night,
he's dropped his modest veil.
i tell my pillow lies, and she whispers them into my dream.
blackness from within creeps up my throat.
I try to speak, but love suffocates my tongue.
You smother me with your kiss,
our tumultuous passion echos in the wind.
the colors of our souls melt into one,
my life's breath finds refuge in your heart.
Committing this sin, i obliterate myself.
The world is naught; seeking triumph
in our love song.
Lover, i whisper in ecstasy;
hide me in your dreams, and keep me...
in your memories.


  1. "...I try to speak but love suffocates my tongue." A powerful rich, and deep emotional delivery..hmmm
